Avigdor (Victor) Yimiyahu was married to Bertha Bach. They lived in Poznan, in those days under Prussian rule. His son, Moritz Yirmiyahu became a successful businessman and the owner of a brick factory located in the Poznan Area. The factory was under family management till 1939 when the German Nazi invasion reached Poznan. The last manager was Dr. Ishayahu Kobliner, who was married to Klara, Moritz' daughter. Being a proud Prussian Jew and wanting to increase his business Moritz decided to change his last name to Victor.
Dr. Willi Victor, son of Moritz, was a lawyer and notary, born in the then Prussian town Poznan. He grew up in a religious Jewish home, but already in early years found his way to socialism. He finally joined the socialist movement during his studies at the university. In 1902 he met Theodor Herzl and as a result joined actively the Zionist movement after this meeting. In 1904 he started his work as a lawyer and in 1905 he participated at the First Zionist Congress in Basle. He married his wife Lisbeth Rinteln in 1906 after meeting her during a holiday on the isle of Norderney. Lisbeth was a talented pianist and a private teacher for music.
In 1906 as well the young family resided in Wandsbeck and bought a house in Claudius Street No 36. The first lawyer's offices were in Hamburg Street, later in Luebecker Street 26 and finally in Schloss Street 38. Their first son Kurt (Meir) was born in 1908 and the second son Hans ( Chaim) in 1909. The daughter Lotte (Rachel) was born on the 5th of December 1912.
Willi Victor joined the Social Democrat Party (SPD) in 1914. In the same year started World War One and as a Prussian German he joined the army as an officer to fight for his country. As many Jews did, he as well hoped that Germany will add to the Zionist cause after winning the war and help to found a Zionist home in Eretz Israel. Willi survived the war, but Germany lost and he returned to his work as a lawyer in Wandsbeck, and starting a political career becoming a member of the parlament of Hamburg – Wandsbeck. In later years he served the Jewish Communities of Schlewig-Holstein as their chairman as well.
In those years the sons Kurt and Hans visited the Gymnasium Mathias Claudius in Wandsbeck being the only Jewish pupils. In 1921 they joined the Jewish youth organization "Tchelet Lavan" The daughter Lotte went to the Lyceum Charlotte Paulsen Gymnasium in Wandsbech and joined the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg at the age of seventeen in 1929.
Lisbeth and Willi Victor visited Eretz Israel, called Palestine under British rule, for the first time in 1924.
In 1932 Kurt decided to immigrate to Palestine and live the dream of Zionism.

The year after everything changed. As a result of the election from 12.3.1933, Hitler and the Nazi Party took over and immediately initiated a regime of terror and murder.Dr Willi Victor was reelected in that election but could not join the newly formed magistrate anymore. Being both a Jew and a Social Democrat he was forced to hide and succeeded to reach Switzerland with the help of two friends of the Social Democratic Party. He was 57 years old.
Shortly after Lisbeth and the two children followed to Switzerland, the reunited family entered Palestine by ship from Trieste in Italy.
Dr Willi Victor could not work as a lawyer in Palestine, he engaged in a German newspaper helping German Jews entering the country to their first steps in this unknown world. In his later years he lived in a small village and worked a small agricultural business till his death.
Meir – Kurt – Victor was an architect for landscapes till his death in1978 while Chaim – Hans- Victor joined a Kibbutz. Rachel Victor worked as a graphic artist and became a free painter.
In German concentration death camps five sisters of Willi Victor and their children, as well as two brothers of Lisbeth Victor have been murdered.
The VICTOR family (children of Moritz Victor) :
Simon 1868 -1945, Married to Regina Freudenthal 1873 – 1943
The family lived for several years in Bad Oeynhausen,Germany, before returning to Poznan.
1895 birth of Walter, writer and declared communist in Bad Oeynhausen
1900 birth of Ernst in Bad Oeynhausen
1908 birth of Ilda in Poznan
Anna 1869 – 1942 , married Hamburger, lived in Poznan
1898 birth of Walter
1900 birth of Marion
Ida 1870 – 1941, married Kessel, lived in Poznan
Daughter Edit Bianca 1892 – 1941
Son Franz Wilhelm Hermann 1895 – 1947
Paula 1872 – 1942, married Hirschfeld, lived in Poznan
Son Theodor
Son Kurt
Margarete 1874 – 1942, married Kessel, lived in Poznan
Daughter Elsa 1898, married Steinitz
Son Victor 1901
Willi 1876 – 1956, married to Lisbeth Rinteln 1885 – 1971
Son Kurt-Meir 1908 - in Israel
Son Hans- Chaim 1909 - in Israel
Daughter Lotte-Rachel 1912-2011 in Israel
Klara 1882 - , married Kobliner
Martin married to Dr Eva Theodor, immigrated to Israel
Victor, emigrated to the USA
Lilli, emigrated to the USA
Eva, emigrated to the USA
Wolf, emigrated to the USA
The RINTELN family (family of Lisbeth Rinteln):
Dr Rinteln, 1815 – 1895, married to Fanny Elsbecher, 1820 – 1900.
Dr Rinteln was the son of a Jewish family from Detmold in Westphalia. He was a doctor for medicine in the spa centre of Bad Oeynhausen since the time of its foundation till his death in 1895. He was honored for his work and the development of the centre by receiving the Prussian Medal of Honor "Knight of the Red Eagle".
Their children:
Julius Rinteln 1850 – 1927, married to Anna Meyer from Hannover was a high judge in Kassel.
Elisa Rinteln , married Steinfeld, her husband was a lawyer.
Two of her three children were murdered in Concentration Camps.
Lisbeth Rinteln 1885 – 1971, married to Victor, her husband was a lawyer and member of the magistrate in Wandsbeck till 1933. The family succeeded to leave Nazi Germany in 1933.
Walter Rinteln 1887, living in Essen and murdered in the Holocaust, married to Elsa, his Christian wife survived the Nazi regime.
Alfred Rinteln, 1890 – unknown, married to Ruth Cohen, 1890 – unknown, murdered in the Holocaust. He was a judge in Altona.
Rudolf Rinteln, 1895 – 1970, married to Alma, a Christian, immigrated from Kassel to Australia. The son Julius and his wife died in a car accident.. Their daughter Juliana and Rudolf returned to Germany.